Water Resources

(715) 779-3650       TNR@redcliff-nsn.gov       37295 Community Rd. Bayfield, WI 54814
The Water Resources Program has been active since 1980, reflecting the awareness and concern for water quality and engaging tribal members within the Red Cliff Reservation.

In 1989, the Tribe acquired treatment in the same manner as a state (TAS) for the Clean Water Act Section 106 program (CWA 106). The CWA 106 program refers to the water pollution control program that the Tribe utilizes to monitor for pollution in its surface waters. The Water Resources Program currently monitors water quality at 16 locations throughout the Reservation in; Sand River, Sucker Creek, Raspberry River, Frog Creek, Red Cliff Creek, and Chicago Creek, as well as by the beach at the Legendary Waters Casino. These sampling sites will remain permanent unless change is needed to accommodate monitoring project needs and assessment strategies. *For water quality metrics measured, see below.

In 2008, the Tribe also acquired treatment in the same manner as a state for the CWA 319 program, which refers to the nonpoint source pollution management program. Nonpoint sources of pollution are defined by those sources of pollution that are picked up by runoff and carried into waterways (such as sediment, nutrients, animal waste, etc.). This program primarily focuses on restoration projects that improve and protect water quality, as well as outreach to the community on how individual’s efforts can protect water quality.

The Water Resources program is currently working towards treatment in the same manner as a state for CWA Sections 303 and 401, which will expand and advance the Water Resources Program towards initiating Tribal water quality standards and certifications.

Other current projects consist of; water quality assessment and reporting, completion of a Watershed Management Plan, ongoing community outreach and education, fieldwork, wild rice restoration, and collaborating with other environmental agencies. All program projects preserve, protect, and enhance Red Cliff's water quality.

*Stream sites are monitored for a variety of water quality indicators, including dissolved oxygen, water temperature, conductivity, pH, total phosphorus, total suspended solids (TSS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrates and nitrites, and fecal coliform (e.coli) on a monthly basis during open water seasons every year. Macroinvertebrates are sampled annually. Any breech of water quality indicators will be thoroughly looked into.

For more information on the Environmental Protection Agency Tribal Water Programs visit http://www.epa.gov/tribalportal/.
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Documents6 documents

  • 2016 Water Quality Assessment Report
    document seq 0.00
  • 2013 – 2015 Water Quality Assessment Report
    document seq 0.00
  • Managing Stormwater
    document seq 0.00
  • Red Cliff Non-point Source Pollution Management Plan
    document seq 0.00
  • Red Cliff Non-point Source Pollution Assessment Report
    document seq 0.00
  • Legendary Waters Casino Green Infrastructure Tour
    document seq 0.00