Technical Groups

715-779-3750       36420 Hwy 13, Bayfield, WI 54814
Biological Committee - Established to comply with the 2018-2028 Lake Superior Fishing Agreement for the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior. Examples of duties include developing and revising assessment techniques and calculating quotas.

1842 Ad Hoc Modeling Group - Calculates safe harvest limits of fishes in Lake Trout management units MI-2, MI-3, MI-4 and MI-5.

Lake Superior Technical Committee - Consists of fishery biologist and technical staff from all around Lake Superior, including Canada. Assist in recommending and developing fisheries management objectives and guidelines.

Fish Committee - Consists of Red Cliff licensed commercial fishermen and fisheries staff. Duties include the discussion of code changes, license applications, and quota updates.

Bayfield County Aquatic Invasive Species Committee - Consists of representatives from Bayfield County, Red Cliff Tribe, Town Board Supervisors, Lake Organizations, and lake related businesses. Duties include the coordination of aquatic invasive species outreach, control, and prevention.