Red Cliff Tribal Census

Chi-Miigwech to all households that completed the Tribal Census! Join us at 5:15 PM on Monday April 29 at Legendary Waters for a presentation on the results of the Tribal Census. 

Boozhoo Aaniin Gaa-Miskwaabikaang! The Red Cliff Band has launched a Tribal Census survey taking place from December 2023 - early March 2024. All households on-reservation will receive a door hanger with an online survey code in December 2023. This survey is a crucial initiative for gathering precise demographic, employment, and housing data concerning Red Cliff tribal members. The information gathered through this survey will be instrumental in improving local programs and securing financial support for housing and various community initiatives.

Do you have your survey code?
Click Here To Take the Census Survey!
The census survey will close on March 8, 2024.

If you have lost your survey code, or if you have not received one by the end of December, please contact Liz Boyd by calling 715-779-3744 ext 3515 or email to

Why Should I Take the Tribal Census Survey?
This is a great opportunity to let your needs be heard! The data collected for this tribal census will be used by the Red Cliff Band for planning future programs and services. It will also allow the Tribe to replace inaccurate federal data collected about tribal members to increase funding for tribal programs. This Tribal Census is crucial to help us assess our newly developed programs and attract funding to support new initiatives. 
By taking this survey, you will:
  • Enhance the ability of the Tribe to plan and develop programs
  • Ensure that the Tribe receives its fair share of funding
  • Affirm the Tribe’s sovereignty and expand its self-determination
  • Determine current and future need for essential services that benefit you
To show our appreciation for your participation in the Tribal Census, each household that completes the survey will receive two $15 gift cards to their choice of Buffalo Bay Store, Peterson's Foods, Red Cliff Fish Company, and Legendary Waters upon completion of this survey. These households will also be entered to win weekly drawings for a $100 gift card to Walmart. The earlier you complete the survey, the more chances your household has to win!

The responses you provide will remain confidential. Your eligibility for services or assistance cannot and will not be impacted by your answers or by your refusal to participate. This research will only be reported as a combined total, and no one will have access to individual information. You do not have to provide your name, but doing so will help us announce raffle winners. Any personally identifiable information will be stored separately from your survey response and will only be used to help us contact you if we have questions about your responses or need to contact you about receiving your incentive or raffle prize, if applicable.

Survey Instructions
The survey should take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete and will be administered to all housing units within reservation boundaries. When you receive your survey code, please respond to the questions about you, members of your household, and your home, housing unit, or place of residence. You can take the survey in-person with our survey staff who visit your home, or you can take the survey online here. Paper surveys are also available.

Complete survey forms are essential to the success of this project. As such, we encourage you to answer every question. If you don't know the precise answer to any question, please give your best estimate.

The survey will run until the end of February. Keep a look out for your door-hanger starting in mid-December!

For questions or additional information, please contact:
Liz Boyd
Tribal Survey Manager, Red Cliff
Phone: 715-779-3744 ext 3518

Kevin Klingbeil
Managing Director, Big Water Consulting
Phone: 206-466-2065